Saw Palmetto Benefits - Learn All About Saw Palmetto Benefits

Saw palmetto benefits are numerous and diverse, which is why saw palmetto is considered one of the most versatile herbal medicines available. Here we explore just some of them, so you can decide if you should consider taking saw palmetto supplements.

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Some saw palmetto benefits

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Saw palmetto benefits men more than others. Many men prefer using saw palmetto because it usually is much cheaper than its synthetic medication counterparts and usually acts faster. Unlike synthetic drugs, saw palmetto also does not seem to cause impotence nor diminish sexual drive.
Saw palmetto is popularly used for helping treat everything from persistent coughs to digestive problems. It has also long been used to relieve BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia by helping treat blocked urine exit, frequent urination, and other BPH symptoms.

Saw Palmetto berries have secretions that are believed to inhibit growth of an already enlarged prostate. Saw palmetto benefits seem to work, as studies show that men who have taken saw palmetto no longer find it too painful to urinate.

Researchers now believe that saw palmetto has anti-inflammatory abilities that restrain testosterone, which is believed to be a big factor in the increase of prostate cells. That is why recent researches are exploring the possibility of yet another Saw palmetto benefit: preventing prostate cancer.

Possible side effects

In some cases, saw palmetto benefits may be overshadowed by side effects, so consult your doctor before taking any of these supplements. There have been rare cases of dizziness, abdominal pain, headaches, and nausea - all of which may be reduced if you take a full meal before taking saw palmetto. Note that there have even been very rare reports of male breast enlargement.
Buying saw palmetto supplements

Saw Palmetto can come as tincture, capsules, tablets, soft gels, and even tea. Herbal medicine experts say that in order to get full saw palmetto benefits, you must take supplements made of at least 85% Saw Palmetto - may it be saw palmetto berries, sterols, or fatty acids. Experts also say that of all saw palmetto supplement forms, tea is the least effective because the oily compounds of the saw do not really dissolve in water.

When buying saw palmetto supplements, look for GMP compliance. Keep in mind that the FDA does not regulate supplements, so of them may contain potentially harmful additives like starch and sugar, and may not have all the nutrients they claim to have. Supplements from pharmaceutical GMP-compliant manufacturers are of very high quality - they do not contain additives.

Saw Palmetto Benefits - Learn All About Saw Palmetto Benefits
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